Graph Times & Gauge Growth

View Personalized Graphs

Excel spreadsheets and clunky charts are a thing of the past! With graphs created for each runner, coaches and athletes can quickly view progress and monitor growth throughout the season.

In the Sportwatch app, each athlete can view a graph tailored for each event they run. They can also graph times from their teammates, cultivating competition. Individualized graphs help foster enthusiasm and provide an outlet to celebrate growth.

Empowered with high-resolution data analytics, coaches can craft targeted workouts for each athlete. By identifying weak areas, coaches can build practices designed to yield the biggest improvement.

Graph Times for Splits

Capturing splits during practice demands a lot of attention from the coach when using pencil and paper. With Sportwatch’s app-based solution, however, splits are easily recorded and displayed. Seamlessly integrated in the same graphical view as other events, splits are graphed alongside the total time of the workout.

Color-coded splits make it easy to pinpoint which legs of a race are most demanding for an athlete. Graphing times for splits longitudinally with time provides progress snapshots throughout the time trial.

Events & Exports

Sportwatch also provides a macroscopic overview of performance for each event. View the data for every athlete in a desired event, all in a single page of the mobile app.

When preparing for a meet, coaches can utilize the event page to strategically choose the best athletes for each event. With the history of an entire workout at their fingertips, teams can compete at an entirely new level.

For coaches who wish to take their data analytics to the next level, they can export the records for each event. The data is delivered as a list of comma-separated values (CSV), which can be imported into most spreadsheet programs (ex. Excel) for further study.

Effortless Data Display

Whether a coach is planning the next practice or preparing the roster for a meet, easy access to team performance is a necessity. Let the quantitative data and metrics inspire the most successful practices and competitions.


Equipped with a personalized athlete graph, colored splits display, and event briefings, teams can effortlessly interpret their data. With the powerful suite of available tools, Sportwatch can show teams where they’ve been, where they are currently, and the growth that lies ahead. Start Tracking your Team today!